How to Raise Great Kids & Leave a Legacy Through Your Children
Inspired by Inc.’s lead parenting columnist, Bill Murphy Jr.’s, collection of science-based parenting advice collected and shared. As parents, one of our core desires for our children is for them to be happy. As working parents, we recognize that one of the core tenants of our own happines
Is Time Your Friend? How to Move Towards the Life You Want!
Do you ever think to yourself, “Is this it?” Wake up. Go to work. Come home. Play with the kids. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. Does this sound like your life? On the one hand, routine is somewhat of a necessity in the life of a corporate mom – it helps keep the ship moving. On the […]
Home with your kids while earning an income? It’s possible.
Four years ago this month, the most amazing little boy entered our world and forever changed our lives. I was a middle school science teacher and loved being in the classroom; it truly was my passion! I always thought I’d be a working mom, but after Bryce was born, I struggled with going b
Have you found your passion?
“I’ve fought the fight – life lessons through a football great” You may or May not be a sports fan. You may or may not be a football fan, but you would have to be living in a hole not to know who Peyton Manning is, and what significant event happened today. You can call [&hel
Marin Living: July 2015
The reality of raising a family in the Bay Area (or anywhere in California for that matter) is that it truly does require two incomes. Tamie Scranton knew that she needed an income, but she also wanted to be a mom who was present and available for her three children. After the downturn in the [&hell
Are You Raising A Good Sport?
Ahead of the Game: Raising a Good Sport For kids, few things compare to the giddy elation of victory or to the crushing disappointment of defeat. Heck, it’s pretty much the same for adults. Our challenge as parents is to learn to temper these reactions, so we’re not raising whiny kids who scream
7 Of The Most Creative Discipline Techniques From Parents
Creative Discipline Raising kids, you have to deal with a range of misbehavior, from apocalyptic hissy fits to broken curfews. Unless, that is, you have the perfect child, like I do. Once, in response to bath time, my son thought it a fitting revenge to create a wall mural beside his crib using his