What about you?

What about you?

Do you ever find yourself feeling stucK? STUCK in a job you no longer love. STUCK trying to figure out how to pay for the looming College expenses or Holiday expenses that are crashing in on you? Stuck trying to figure out what to do with yourself now that the kids are driving and no longer need you to be their personal UBER driver?

I have found myself in a new season of parenting. I am a mom of two teenage boys, very active in sports, preparing for college. The moms in my life who are in similar stages, or even in the beginning stages of empty nesting, our conversations now are different. We all have some time on our hands that we have not had for the last 16 years or so. This is not to imply that our kids don’t need us, but what they need from us has changed.

How about focusing on you time? Improving ourselves. Achieving our goals. Feeling like we are headed in the right direction. Each is essential to our personal well-being and happiness. The more time we can spend on what’s most fulfilling to you the happier and more at peace you are. Think for a moment, what would bring you the most satisfaction and fulfillment in life? Take some time to dream a little, to look beyond the daily grind at what you’d like to become. It’s not too late to start something new. The problem is it’s natural to have fear of failing at something new! How about daring to see a better version of yourself. But where do you start? It starts with you.

Here are TEN tips to help you on your way…

1. Start each day on a positive note. Wake up each day and find the one thing to give you peace. One thing JUST FOR YOU. Instead of turning on the news where you will be flooded with negative news, read a devotion, go to a positive Facebook group, post some inspirational quotes.

2. Exercise. Even if it’s a brief walk or stretch routine, it is proven when you start your day with exercise you will improve your work performance, your mental focus, and be able to ward off stress. It also sets a pattern of consistency and when you are consistent with anything, success follows.

3.  Good nutrition. It’s that simple. Your body needs good fuel to maintain good positive energy throughout your day.

4.  Manage your stress. Stress exists in many forms. It’s different for everyone, but more often than not it’s usually tied to finances. Take steps to eliminate negative people, bills, thoughts. Get a plan, take baby steps to change the direction you are going in. The Holidays are near, its a great time to find a way to supplement your income.

5. Get Accountable. Write down your goals. Share them with someone.

6. Dream a little, what’s possible? You are Possible if you believe. It starts with you.

7. Make a list of your passions, interests.

8. Schedule a coffee, lunch or wine date with 1 person a week that you have not seen in years.

9. Network. Learn about what others in your same boat are doing.

10. Take action. Reach out to us. Have a conversation. We just may be exactly what you are looking for.


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