Make sure your children know they are loved by you!

Make sure your children know they are loved by you!

Meet Jennifer!

She is not only one of our mentors at Mom’s Making Six Figures, but first and foremost, a dedicated mom to her two beautiful daughters. We asked Jennifer if she would be willing to share some advice as a successful working mom. Because whether you are a new mom, or a seasoned-pro, work and home-life balance is something that we are all in search for.

What is one thing you wish you would have known before you had your first daughter?

I have always enjoyed working and having a career. I envisioned myself as a “working mom” because my mom worked my whole childhood as did her mother with her. I had no idea how completely in love I would be with motherhood, I hated missing anything new. I wish I would have thought more about a career path that would have allowed me more flexibility in my schedule. I was always so envious of my friends that were teachers and had the entire summer off with their children.

What are the most important things you are currently teaching your girls?

Currently I am focus on teaching my daughters respect, simple things like helping someone reach something off the shelf at a grocery store, always greeting someone with a hello, please and thank you is a must! I want them to be self-sufficient, they help with things like laundry, cooking and cleaning. We set goals as a family and break down what it takes to achieve them.

One piece of advice to give to other working moms?

Do the best you can with what you have. Don’t compare yourself to other moms. Be present with your children when you are with them. They want your attention more than the latest trending toy. One on one time with each children is important. Most importantly, make sure your children know they are loved by you.

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