How to get the most out of your day & night!

How to get the most out of your day & night!

Here’s 3 Tips to get the most out of your Day & Night:

1) Morning Routine:

Part of what makes us so productive during “normal life” (pre-quarantine), is that we have a schedule to keep. Now that we’re all commuting from our beds to the kitchen table… it’s easy to get to 5 o’clock and realize you never changed out of your PJ’s. (No judgement, I’ve been there)

Get up and shower, and get dressed for work. This puts you in the right mindset to get into “work mode” and be productive.

Also, a little “Me Time” in the morning goes a long way. What fills your “happiness tank” up? Do that first thing in the morning. Maybe it’s taking time to read, listen to music, or go for a walk. The point is, “put your oxygen mask on before assisting others”. A happier you is a more productive you.

2) Turn OFF the News!

We get it… there’s a virus going around. It needs to be taken seriously. Give yourself 15 min to get caught up on the developments of the day, at the end of the day. Very rarely is anything SO important that you can’t learn about it in the evening after the day is done. Too many people are glued to their television sets or social media… all. day. long. It’s just gonna raise your stress levels and make you overly emotional. News today is incentivized to be “click-baity” and sensationalize everything. Take precautions, wash your hands and take your daily vitamins!

3) Bedtime Routine:

Since there’s no boss to see you show up late, you might feel the urge to binge watch all 7 episodes of your new favorite series in one night… alarm clock be damned. Resist this temptation and keep a bedtime schedule to maintain your natural circadian rhythm (sleep/wake cycle). Study after study points to the physical and mental benefits of a balanced rhythm and 7+ hours of sleep a night. You’ll experience:

An Improved Mood

Improved Weight-Loss

Increased Energy

Improved Focus & Memory

Improved Exercise Performance

Reduced Inflammation

Improved Immune Health

Just to name a few. If you need help you can try a hot bath with a relaxing essential oil.

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